Theme: Ladybugs
Letter: L
Tuesday Megan and Tatum enjoyed playing mommy with their babies and strollers. They even set up 2 separate tents upstairs for their separate homes. It was pretty cute to see them play and interact this way. :)
Letter: L
Tuesday Megan and Tatum enjoyed playing mommy with their babies and strollers. They even set up 2 separate tents upstairs for their separate homes. It was pretty cute to see them play and interact this way. :)
Maya and I busted out the Lincoln Logs and we had fun constructing log cabins, houses and forts. We tried to keep them safe because she really wanted to show Riley when she got home from school but alas Tatum had other least we took pictures to show her!
Megan and I worked on the letter L all week. Here she cut out pictures that began with the letter L and glued them around another piece of paper with L on it. We haven't really worked that much lately on cutting but she really surprised me with how well she cut all these out.
Did some pages out of one of her work books. On this one she had to put an X on all the small ladybugs and circle all the big ladybugs.
This worksheet I printed off online. She did write pretty good L's in the boxes but when I turned back around she had been busy scribbling them out.
Wednesday we got some play time in with our friends Lauren and Charlotte and also her 2 cousins, Katie and Mikayla. I read them some ladybug books we got from the library and then we did an art project.
Silly girls, Megs was pushing Lauren in the shopping cart and Charlotte was trying her hardest to keep up in chasing them. :)
Thursday we had only Tatum as Maya with at a zoo field trip with her dad. Our neighbors Christine and Isaiah came over to play with us too.
We used bingo dobbers on a ladybug sheet.
Megan and I worked on more patterns with lollipop cards. I set up an ABABAB pattern which she continued with no effort. Then I set up an ABBABB pattern that again she grasped right away. I think she's ready for more challenging patterns!
Friday night Riley's school was doing a Family Bingo night so we went. She had fun eating candy, coloring in the numbers called and playing out on the playground during {and not during} breaks. We were able to sit next to Riley's friend Kailee's family and Megan just adores her.