Thursday, July 29, 2010

More summer fun and the beginning of a new season

In the last months....we've done 2 camping trips:

Gone to a spray park that had a huge sandbox:

Pretended we were cats & dogs:

Done art projects with our friend Lola:

Made our 'Countdown to Disney' chain:

Had many a meals outside:

Done more art projects:

And did our 2 1/2 week road trip down to Disneyland!

School started this past week for my oldest and Monday is our 1st day of preschool. I am so excited - the room has all come together, the curriculum is done (the first week at least!) and we are anxiously awaiting our friends to come have fun!

Finished pictures of the room to follow ~

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Summer Picture Catch-Up

As we are on Summer Vacation and I am working towards getting our playroom transitioned into a preschool room...I thought I'd share some pictures of what we've been up to this summer!

Lots of time with the sprinkler:

Megan figured out real fast that she didn't particularly care for fireworks this year:

Backyard sports (in dresses mind you!):

Just being totally silly! Actually I think Megan was pretending to be a dog at this moment and was lifting her leg to 'pee'. Haha!

Lots & LOTS of swing time:

Spray park:

Petting zoo:

Pedicure (!):

Megs learned how to ride Riley's big girl bike:

Ferry ride:

Playing inside on rainy days:

We have SO much more that we would like to do and see this summer. Feels like it's slipping away so fast so I've decided for the rest of July I'm just going to fill our calendar up with fun (mostly free!) stuff to do. Otherwise I'm afraid we'll just not get to it.

Oh and by the way, late nights = late mornings. :) Ahhh, summer!